Stanford Law Firm, PLLC

-EST. 1995-

Assisted in over $20 million in settlements or verdicts

Criminal Law

Being charged with a crime no matter the severity of the crime can have long lasting and often devastating consequences.  The longer the accused waits on contacting an attorney the more options for providing an adequate defense are somewhat diminished.  Stanford Law Firm believes in developing the defense from the first encounter with the authorities to provide the best defense possible. 


Estate Planning

Most people think that estate planning consists only of a Will.  However, often other options for the early transfer of assets protects and adequately conveys assets that many people feel are only able to be transferred by Will.  Some viable options will prevent smaller estates from being tied up in probate and diminishing the size of the estate.  Sometimes the establishment of a trust is the best alternative.  Stanford Law Firm believes in tailoring a plan to the needs of the clients.  

Family Law

Divorce, child custody, and asset distribution are some of the most emotionally trying times to which an individual may be forced to deal.  Stanford Law Firm has the experience to assist in the proper calculation and assistance in these difficult matters. 

Personal Injury

A vehicular accident can happen in just a few seconds, but impact an individual or an individual's family for a lifetime.  Often insurance companies seek to reach a quick settlement that is less than sufficient or adequate to cover necessary expenses and compensate for the pain and suffering caused by the insured.

Environmental Law

Stanford Law Firm has participated in the representation of the State of Mississippi, local governmental entities, and individuals against business entities that through contamination of air, soil, and water adversely impacted the health and welfare, diminished asset values, and caused damage to natural resources.  

Medical Malpractice

Unfortunately, the respect and honor placed on the medical profession is not indicative of all members of the profession.  Deviations from the standard of care can severely impair one's life or even take one's life.  Statutes limit the time in which these actions can be brought and provide other hurdles to navigate through in order to effectively recover from the deviations of care.  Stanford Law Firm is prepared to navigate the hurdles, timely respond to preserve the actions, and associate the necessary experts to substantiate your claims.